Tuesday, May 13, 2008

a lovely hodgepodge..gavin concert, mother's day, playing with the camera functions...

Saturday night the Webb kids ( minus Nathan) went to see Gavin DeGraw...what an incredible show..he is one of the most genuine, talented, humble and entertaining performers I have ever seen. We had so much fun, screaming ourselves silly, getting autographs after the show..and generally acting as if we were 15 again. Amy and Andrew have a cool feature on their cameras that you can turn a black and white photo into a black and white with one color showing photo, which you can see some great examples of here. Also..for the moms....Amy and her kids, Rachel and her kids, and My mom with the girls...a happy Mother's day to all.
Also a cute photo of the even cuter Amelia...she is a funny bunny. and a cute kid to boot.


SladeMomma said...

Way cool camera feature. I'll have to try that with Photoshop - I think it is possible. I like the effect.

It is NOT FAIR that your mom looks like one of the girls!

Berns and Shea said...

im wayyyyy jealous, i wanna go see gavin....boo for me not seeing him.
Im trying to bring myself and the new bambino to the last day or so of camp so i can see kissy boom, danny and the rest of the clan....cross your fingers ill be able to!