Thursday, February 14, 2008

some of my favorite photos... is really snowy and cold, and I don't really have any interesting things to I am just going to post some of my favorite photos..and tell you why and who they are.
sarah and jalyn- sarah is one of my BESTEST friends..she lives in San Antonio Texas. We worked for Steve at brighton together..and in this photo, we were training in California on the new computer systems..I have dark hair because I was playing Golde in Fiddler at the we look like sisters!

Chris and Jalyn..we call this the engagement photo..taken from a high angle of course..and it is kind of obnoxious. But we were being goofy and having fun.. Chris and I have now known each other for 23 years. He is a great friend.

My two favorite acapella groups...eLeMeNO-P and Simplicated...both filled with the most wonderful, goofy crazy fantastic boys I have ever known. ( some of them are the same boys..just years later...)

and Bev and I- My aunt Bev is a photographer, and this photograph was her vision of our friendship and sister- ness. you can read about what she thinks about this image, and see her amazing photography at and click on beau visage..she is amazing!!!

enough for today...ta ta!!


SladeMomma said...

I'm only sad that I can't click on the pictures and see them big. Thanks for sharing them though, I love looking at people's pictures, on their walls, in the wallets, online, wherever.

Lesley said...

OMG! Is that Chris J.? The last time I saw him I was on the N train in Queens. He was on the platform and we saw each other just as the train was pulling away! Crazy!!